Blog Candies ...

5.000 Hits seit März … ich danke Euch sehr dafür! Und um das mit Euch zu feiern, habe ich mir folgendes Blog Candy überlegt:

Am 09.08.2008 wird per Zufallsgenerator verlost. Alles, was Ihr tun müsst, um in der Lostrommel zu landen, ist einen Kommentar unter diesem Post zu hinterlassen und auf Eurem Blog, von diesem Candy mit einem Link hierher zu erzählen. Wer keinen Blog hat, kann bitte trotzdem einen Kommentar hinterlassen und seinen Freunden per Mail etc. von diesem Candy erzählen ;)

Ich verschicke selbstverständlich international und freue mich über jeden, der teilnimmt.

Here is my first Blogcandy for 5.000 Hits since March. Thank you for that! To celebrate I give away anything you can see on the photo. I’ll choose a random winner on 9th of August. I’ll ship international. All you have to do is left a comment under this post and tell on your Blog about my Blogcandy with a link to me.
For those who don't have a Blog: Please leave a comment and tell all your friends about my Blogcandy.

Stempelabdrücke, Flowers, Papier, Ribbons, Brads, Washers und eine Karte

unmontierte Stempelgummi "Happy Birthday" von Stamping Bella und ein Blümchen

Den Schriftzug "Happy Birthday" könnt Ihr auf dieser Karte in Aktion sehen.

Teilnehmer ohne Blog/Participants without a Blog:

Melinda, Debbie B., Carina, Sonja, Theresa, Heather, Darlene, Sandy H., Ghazal, Tina F., Denise, Marcia Luisa, Beverly, Lyn, Marilyn, Ann

Ich bin aber nicht die einzige, die ein Blog Candy verlost ...

Bei Bev werden die fast 20.000 Hits gefeiert.

Ein tolles sommerliches Candy gibt es bei Camilla, da solltet Ihr auch unbedingt vorbeischauen.

Und bei Michelle gibt es auch sehr feine Sachen zu gewinnen ...

Bei Müppis Bastelwelt werden ebenfalls die 5.000 Hits gefeiert!

Ihr müsst unbedingt bei Katharina schauen gehen. Sie verlost einen super Blog Candy mit den neuen Stempeln von Elisabeth Bell, die es bald bei Whiff of Joy geben wird.

Thanks for visiting


artfrog hat gesagt…
Huhu Tanja,

gratuliere zu deinen ersten 5000! Du hast ein tolles Candy zusammengestellt. Na dann will ich mein Glück doch gleich mal versuchen :o)

Lieben Gruß
Melinda hat gesagt…
Thank-you for sharing all of your creations. I am fairly new to stamping but have fallen in love with Magnolia and Hanglar and Stanglar stamps so would love to win all those beautiful images.

I don't have a blog, but will pass the link to all of my crafting friends.

Anonym hat gesagt…
Congratulations on 5,000 blog hits!! I too love Magnolia stamps but have not yet been brave enough to start a blog. I do however have a lot of stamping friends via the internet that I will send your way.

Heidi hat gesagt…
I will surely love to win all these goodies! I will add you to my blog candy roll call that I have on the RIGHT hand side of my blog- come and check it out ladies, lots of blog candy and beautiful websites to browse.
Kristine hat gesagt…
Hi Sonja!
Thanks for joining my blog candy!
I'll join yours also, sO I'll write about it at my blog!
Anonym hat gesagt…

Your candy looked so tempting that I had to join the blog candy. I have wrote about it at my blog.

Rosette hat gesagt…
Hi Tanya, it's my first time in your Blog, but it won't be the last.. you have lovely cards :) Magnolia ia such a favourite.. you're Sooo lucky to own those stamps! Thank you for letting me join your candy.. pop in my Blog whenever you want. I'll be honored! :)
Winxy Escapes hat gesagt…
congrats! and i posted on my blog enjoy your success ! love the samples.
Maria hat gesagt…
Congratulations and thank you for the chance to enter for your generous blog candy. I have posted at
Sonia hat gesagt…
Hi Tanja
Found this blog in Kristine's blog.
Beautiful works!!!
Thanks for the chance to win!!!
Congrats for 5,000 hits!!!
Greetings, Sonia (Sony)
Puerto Rico

My entry:
Angella hat gesagt…
Hi Tanya.
Congratulations on 5,000 blog hits!! I love your Blog Candy. I have posted a link at my blog;)
Litta hat gesagt…
Gratuliere Tanja. Ich habe auch bald die 5.000 voll und überlege mir auch grad ein Blog Candy´:-)).

Mal sehen ob ich eine Chance habe, würde mich jedenfalls freuen. Ist ein schönes Candy.

LG von Litta
Michele Roos hat gesagt…
Congratulations on getting 5000 hits. I love your blog candy and I've fallen in love with the magnolia stamps. I have posted a link on my blog.

Michele x
lalalla hat gesagt…
congrats on so many hits! awesome blog:) here is my blog entry about your candy
Anonym hat gesagt…
GRATTIS aus Schweden
Andrea hat gesagt…
Hallo Tanja, erstmal Glückwunsch und danke für dieses tolle Candy.
Ich habe es gleich bei mir gepostet.
LG Andrea
Aliogator hat gesagt…
Thanks for offering blog candy. I posted a link on my blog.
Mary Jane hat gesagt…
Congratulations on 5,000 hits. Thanks for the chance to win the blog candy. I'm having fun looking at your creations.
Anonym hat gesagt…
Thanks for offering blog candy. I posted a link on my blog.

Congratulations ...
I'm having fun looking at your creations.
Berit hat gesagt…
Congrats on 5000 hits. What a lovely blog candy. I've posted a link on my blog ;)
Sandy hat gesagt…
Tanja ~

I love your blog and enjoy seeing all your pretty cards. Your blog candy looks wonderful.

Anonym hat gesagt…
Wow, congrats on the hits. It is such a milestone to pass. I just hit 10,000 and am offering blog candy too!! I love your work and will be back again!!!
Anonym hat gesagt…
That is a lot of hits.
I am new to magnolia stamps but just LOVE the designs! I wish they had them at stores here in the USA.
StampinCathy hat gesagt…
Congrats on 5,000 hits. I just love your style and it's so inspiring. I would love to play with this sweet candy. Thanks for a chance.
Bunny B hat gesagt…
Woohoo!! Congrats on your superb hits!! :) Sweet candy! Thank you! I've blogged here!

bunnybx at gmail . com
Ria Zonnestraaltje hat gesagt…
Hi Tanja COngrats on the 5000 hits :) I am almost there also :)
BTW the translator is funny on your site. It said you had a washingmachine in your blogcandy ;) the washers ;) hahahhaa so that was a good laugh.
hugs Ria
Else Slipsager Petersen hat gesagt…
Congratulation on the 5000 hits. You have fine blog. What a great blog candy.
Greetings from Denmark
Hanne hat gesagt…
Congratulations, Tanja, with your 5ooo hits!!! Your blog candy is fabulous, and that's why I've told about it in my blog :)

Hugs, Hanne:)
Ana hat gesagt…

this is my post:
ribenaruby hat gesagt…
Scrummy yummy blog candy! Your cards are inspiring too.I've left a link on my blog.
Katja hat gesagt…
Glückwunsch zu den 5000 Besuchern und vielen Dank für das tolle Candy.
Liebe Grüße, Katja
Geyna hat gesagt…
Congratulations on 5,000 hits.Your blog candy is great.

Goog luck for all (but more for me jeje)

Greatings from Spain.
Wendy Swenne hat gesagt…
Congrats on your 5000 hits.
And what a great blog candy. Would love to take care of that ;)

I put a link on my blog:


Mephisto hat gesagt…
das ist ne Wunderschöne Idee.
Ich mach auch mit *G*

Annelies hat gesagt…
Congratulations on the hits! Pretty amazing! Here's the link on my blog:
Greetings from Belgium, Annelies
Anonym hat gesagt…
Great blog candy. I found you through Kristine.
Here is my entry
Brisa hat gesagt…
Congratulations for your hits! great candy!! my blog with the link:

kisses from spain
scrappinpeg hat gesagt…
WOW 5000 hits so quickly is SUPER!!! Your candy blog give away is wonderful... I'd love a chance at winning..... I've had a great time visiting your blog.... Hope you'll come visit with me too!
hugs.... have a great weekend.
Anonym hat gesagt…
What a wonderful blog! Congratulations on reaching 5,000 hits! I don't have a blog, but will pass on the information to those I know.

Karin hat gesagt…
Hi Tanja,

congrats with your 5,000 hits.
great candy.
Thanks for giving me a chance to winn this.

Have a great weekend.
xoxo Karin
craftyb hat gesagt…
Hi Tanja, congratulations on your 5000's to the next 5000!! You're offering a very generous candy...there's gonna be one happy crafter!! bx
Bubbles hat gesagt…
Congratulations on your 5,000 hits, thank you for the chance to win your lovely candy.
Joanne x
Anonym hat gesagt…
Hello, what a great blog candy. I would like to win - like all the others :o) Greetings from Denmark
Holly Young hat gesagt…
Congratulations on making 5,000 hits! That's awesome. the blog candy you are offering is awesome too! I'd love to try my hand at coloring some of those adorable Magnolia images! I'm adding your link to my blog list, telling about your blog candy on my blog, and I'm subscribing because your blog is incredible!
Scrappy Doo 2 u hat gesagt…
That is some aweseome blog candy. The stamps are beautiful. I've just come to adore those youthful stamps and think they make a great addition to any stamper's stash.

Congratulations on hitting 5k! That's a major milestone!
Keep rocking!

TinaJewel hat gesagt…
You have some beautiful cards and I love your blog candy, too!
I subscribed to you with my Google RSS feed reader and linked to you on my Giveaway Blog, too.
Cardmaking Galore hat gesagt…
Would love to have some of those images! Congrats on your hits. I am still celebrating my 1000 hits lol. Great blog candy!

Have linked you on my blog
scrapbookmom3 hat gesagt…
Hey....I've linked you up in my have an awesome blog and an awesome blog candy....Here is the link to my blog!!!

Blaack Sheep Designs hat gesagt…
Got ya linked here:

Thanks for a fun contest!
Theresa hat gesagt…
Hi Tanja,
I am from the USA and am visiting your blog for the first time. Congratulations on your 5000 hit.
I have enjoyed browsing through your blog and would love to win the blog candy. I do not have a blog yet but will be sure to pass your blogger address along to my friends. Keep your creative juices flowing.
V Colbourne hat gesagt…
Congrats on achieving 5000 hits!!! Your blog is great, I have added you to my blogroll and have mentioned you in my blog candy entry. Feel free to come by my blog and leave a message :)
Heather hat gesagt…
Congratulations on 5000 hits!!!!!!!! I am new to the world of blogging and I will gladly mention your blog candy on my blog.

Crafting Diva hat gesagt…
Hi Tanja congrats on the 5,000 hits thats wonderful news and thank you for the wonderful seceltion of blog candy you are giving awawy I have put a link on my blog for you.
klasse blog candy Tanja!
danke fuer die links fuer die anderen blogs die blog candy anbieten. da schau ich auch gerne mal vorbei.
Anonym hat gesagt…
Hallo Tanja(Piper),
ich wußte noch gar nicht dass du auch so einen tollen Blog hast! Habe es gerade über Litta´s Blog erfahren. Glückwunsch!! zu 5000.
Deine Verlosung gefällt mir:-).Ich gehe jetzt ausfühlich bei dir stöbern.
Vielleicht treffen wir uns mal wieder in der Stempelbar.
LG Kerstin(Schmetterling)
she.could hat gesagt…

It's so generous of you to offer this to us. And congratulations on reaching 5,000 hits. I have linked you here:

Thanks so much,
Anonym hat gesagt…
Congratulations from the north of Sweden

You can find a link to the blog candy here_
Arianne hat gesagt…
I love those stamped images!
Great blog-candy!
Arianne hat gesagt…
Sorry, forgot to say you can view the post on my blog
lalalla hat gesagt…
congrats on soo many hits!

here is my entry

greetings from Poland:)
retiredheather hat gesagt…
Congrats on your hits. You have a very nice blog. Your blog candy is great. I would love to be chosen. I have forwarded this blog to my friends.
Anonym hat gesagt…
Your candy looked so tempting I have wrote about it at my blog
Anonym hat gesagt…
you have a great blog and i would love to win the blog candy.

i have put a link on my blog

hugs jane x
Tash hat gesagt…
What fabulous blog candy! Love your blog - beautiful card! Have added a post on my blog mentioning your candy.....
Jilli hat gesagt…
Great blog candy! What fab blog candy. Keeping everything crossed in the hope of winning it!
Manda hat gesagt…
Helo Tanja. Wow, your blog candy is so generous!! Thank you for giving us the chance to win. This is my first visit to your blog but i'll certainly be back again. I've linked your blog in my blog candy section. Keep up the good work on your blog, thank you so much.

Mand xxx
Susie Little hat gesagt…
candy looks fabulous! Have linked you!
Anonym hat gesagt…
This is some awesome candy! I will link you!
Rachel Brown hat gesagt…
Congratulations. Hope you get a further 5,000 post in the next few months. I will link to your blog candy.
Anne Bente hat gesagt…
Ågggg så flot blog candy:), i will link to your blog :)
Congratulations to you:)
Anonym hat gesagt…
Hello, I am Darlene from Illinois. I love to visit so many blogs I do not have time for one myself. Congrats on all your hits. I really love the images in your blog candy. I will let my stamping friends know about your blog candy.

Darlene L
djstamper2003 at yahoo dot com
lisa808 hat gesagt…
Tanja, congratulations on 5,000 visits! I'm posting a link on my blog for your awesome candy. You can find me here:
Pauline C hat gesagt…
Congratulaiton Tnja on 5,000 hits. I ahve linked to you from my blog here, and would love to be entered in your draw - thanks
Pauline x
Lainy's Little Blog hat gesagt…
This is the first time i have visited your blog and will certainly be returning! Congratulations on your 5,000 hits and here's to many more. I have posted a link on my blog.
Lauren hat gesagt…
Congrats on the 5,000 hits!! I blogged about it here!

Lauren xx
Stampin Cats hat gesagt…
Congrats on the blog hits. This is an awesome give away. Thanks so much for sharing. Here is my blog.
Jen hat gesagt…
It's so generous of you to offer such an amazing amount of gorgeous candy!
I've left a comment and link on my blog.
Jen x
Charli hat gesagt…
That candy looks gorgeous!
I've linked you on my blog.
Thanks for the chance to win
flatis stempelwelt hat gesagt…
Hallo Tanja,
erstmal Glückwunsch und danke für dieses tolle Candy.
Gerade erst entdeckt und schon bei mir gepostet

Anonym hat gesagt…
Thanks for the chance

sandyh50 hat gesagt…
Wonderful blog and great blog candy, I will pass the word on to my stamping friends.

sandyh502001 at yahoo dot com
Jenny hat gesagt…
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu den ersten 5000.Hab auf meinem Blog davon erzählt.:)
Anonym hat gesagt…
WOW! What a great giveaway ... I don't have a blog but still love to win all of these goodies. Thanks for the chance. Congrats on the hits.
Jeanette hat gesagt…
Hey Tanja, Gorgeous Candy! I've linked you up in my blog. You're already on my blog list since I love to see your new creations! Congratulations on 5000 hits! Amazing!
Hugs Jeanette
Alice hat gesagt…
WOW! I hope to win this beautiful blog candy!
I link you here:
Heike's Creativeplace hat gesagt…
Wow, 5000 Hits Gratulation dankeeee für die Chance zu dem tollen Gewinn. Vielleicht habe ich ja Glück ist ja schließlich mein Geburtstag grins :-))).....

Ingrid hat gesagt…
Hi Tanja,
Congratulations on the 5,000 hits!!!
Thank you for the chance to enter for your generous blog candy.
Have linked you!
Anonym hat gesagt…
Hi. I don´t have a blog, but I´m going to tell my friends of your generous blog candy. Thanks for the chance to win all those beautiful things.
/Tina F.
Anonym hat gesagt…
Very nice and sweet blog candy!
Congrats on 5000 hits!
I link you here:
Your blog is really nice. Here is mine:
Barbarella hat gesagt…
Done :)

Sweet Candy :D
Marianne1972 hat gesagt…
Congratulation with the 5000 hits. It´s a wonderfull blog you have, and you make the finest laylouts.

Best wishes from Denmark

Monique hat gesagt…
Love your creations wish I could read what it said though. Would love to win this blog candy, I love stamped images they are the best gifts!
Anonym hat gesagt…
Just want to say what a fabulous assortment for a blog candy. You have a nice blog, and enjoy your comments on Magnolia-licious.
Don't have ablog but still wanted to participate ;-)
Anonym hat gesagt…
What wonderful blog candy. You are so generous. I am spreading the word about Magnolia stamps to all my stamping friends.
Kamaftut hat gesagt…
congrats on soo many hits!

here is my entry

greetings from Poland:)

Laura hat gesagt…
bellissimo blog candy
i disegni magnolia sono stupendi

Anonym hat gesagt…
Oh what lovely giveaway! You are very generous!
And I will pass on the word to interested friends.
Thanks Tanja!
Regards, Lyn
Tricia hat gesagt…
Wouldn't this be oh so fun to win!!! :) I've posted it on my blog!
Marilyn hat gesagt…
What fantastic candy!! I don't have a blog, but have already passed it on to 2 of my friends. I've had fun browsing through your cards - what inspiration!!
marsha hat gesagt…
Congratulations! What wonderful blog candy, I would consider myself one lucky girl to win!
AnnS hat gesagt…
Love your site. I just started a blog, but nothing's on it yet. I will pas your blog on to my crafting friends. Thaks for your generous offer. Ann
Karina Beck hat gesagt…
WOW what a lovely candy.
I have linked on my blog
Marika hat gesagt…
I've just put your link on my italian blog.
Ciao from Marika